

This GAP introduces a proposal for a language-agnostic layer of abstraction over the Golem VPN and its high-level APIs (yapapi, yajsapi). The main element of this proposal is the introduction of an application descriptor file which can be used to describe a deployment of a set of services to be run within the Golem Network. This application descriptor is intended to be used together with high-level APIs to enable deploying and managing the nodes described within the descriptor.



The main motivation for this proposal is providing support for development of distributed applications (dApps) deployed within the Golem Network.



Golem Application Object Model

An application hosted on Golem can be described by a set of data structures, which specify and represent all components of the application which are relevant from Golem’s point of view. The data structures are an Object Model of an application, which has following attributes:

The engine which is a host for an Object Model is responsible for:

Golem Application Object Model (diagram): image

Configuration descriptor file

An application descriptor specifies initial Golem Application Object Model. It must include all data required to provision Golem resources required by the application. The proposed format is YAML.

Here’s an example of such a descriptor:

  name: "Sample-application"
  description: "A sample descriptor for a Golem application"
  author: "GolemFactory"
  version: "0.1.0"
schema: "https://github.com/golemfactory/gaom/blob/v0.0.1/gaom.schema.json"

    runtime: vm
      - "golem.inf.cpu.cores=2"
      - "golem.inf.mem.gib>=4"
      - "vpn"
      image_hash: "c37c1364f637c199fe710ca62241ff486db92c875b786814c6030aa1"

    runtime: vm
      - "golem.inf.storage.gib>10"
      - "vpn"
      image_hash: "85021afecf51687ecae8bdc21e10f3b11b82d2e3b169ba44e177340c"

    ip: ""

    payload: db-server
    network: default
        - run:
            args: ["/bin/run_rqlite.sh"]

    payload: web-server
    network: default
        - run:
            args: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "cd /webapp && python app.py --db-address ${services.db-service.network_node.ip} --db-port 4001 initdb"]
        - run:
            args: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "cd /webapp && python app.py --db-address ${services.db-service.network_node.ip} --db-port 4001 run > /webapp/out 2> /webapp/err &" ]

JSON Schema for the GAOM

The GAOM schema definition shall be maintained in a dedicated repo: https://github.com/golemfactory/gaom.git

Current schema definition: link / documentation


Descriptor package formats

The Golem application descriptors may be published in two different formats. An application designer may choose the format which better suits their application.

Single-YAML descriptor packages

A package may consist of a single decriptor file in YAML format. Such a single file is most likely sufficient for applications of low complexity. This package type is called a single-YAML descriptor package.

Multi-YAML descriptor package

Complex application descriptors may benefit from splitting the YAML content into multiple files, groupped by eg. areas of concern. Such multi-file descriptors can be published as ZIP-packages containing all the relevant YAML files, in flat directory structure (only file sin archive root shall be processed by the engine when processing the descriptor). This package type is called a multi-YAML descriptor package.

Implementation Features

Descriptor - “Apply” operation

Running Golem Deploy engine for a specific descriptor shall provision respective resources/services on Golem Network (as a one-off action).

Single-YAML package support

The engine (and corresponding CLI) shall support provisioning Golem application based on single-YAML descriptors.

Merging descriptor files

Multiple descriptor files may be used within the scope of a single deployment. In such a case, the files are merged based on their ordering. The merging is performed using a deep merge strategy. Here’s an example of how this merging strategy is applied:

Base file:

  name: "Sample-application"
  description: "A sample descriptor for a Golem application"
  author: "GolemFactory"
  version: "0.1.0"

    runtime: "vm"
      image: "image-hash"
      "golem.inf.cpu.cores": 2
      - "vpn"

Override file:

      repo: "repo-url"
      - "gpu"

Resulting file:

  name: "Sample-application"
  description: "A sample descriptor for a Golem application"
  author: "GolemFactory"
  version: "0.1.0"

    runtime: "vm"
      image: "image-hash"
      repo: "repo-url"
      "golem.inf.cpu.cores": 2
      - "vpn"
      - "gpu"

A depth-first approach is used to determine the values which need to be added or updated to existing collections (lists and key-value maps). For maps, keys from overriding files have precedence over the base ones. In the case of lists, when merging lists from two files, the override values are simply concatenated to the base list. If required, this behaviour can be made configurable (e.g. to enable overriding the entire list instead).

GAOM object state

The entities and resources in a Golem application follow a certain lifecycle - they get provisioned, they remain active, they get removed/terminated. The application elements represented by the object graph shall have their state represented in the engine. The state represents the stage of lifecycle in which an application element is at a given moment in time. Following states are considered:

GAOM object dependency graph

As the descriptor is processed by the engine, the Golem resources are provisioned, and their state in GAOM is updated by the engine. Some resources depend on other resources (eg. a service may need to be provisioned in a context of a network) which implies the sequence of resource provisioning. The engine shall derive the dependency graph from the descriptor and based on this - determine the provisioning actions sequence.

GAOM explicit dependency syntax

It is possible to specify explicit dependency between services. If a service A should only be provisioned after service B becomes active, the specification of service A shall include a depends_on attribute, pointing at the label of service B. Based on this information, the _engine_shall build an appropriate dependency graph. Note: a service may depend on a number of other services, therefore the depends_on attribute must allow for multiple dependency labels.

GAOM state persistence

The engine persists the state of GAOM after the state of the model changes.

File persistence

The GAOM state can be persisted to a local or remote file.

Distributed storage

The GAOM state can be persisted to a distributed storage system (choice of storage options to be selected for implementation).

GAOM state synchronization

The engine is able to load a persisted state of GAOM and reconcile its content versus actual state of Activities on Golem network. This reconciliation is required eg. when the engine is disconnected from the network (goes offline) and then is reconnected to resume control over the Golem application.

The synchronization may determine gaps between the persisted state (desired) and the current state (actual) on Golem network. The engine is capable of resolving the gaps, by provisioning or terminating Activities as required.

GAOM Model object types

A GAOM model object type includes all relevant attributes of a given resource, including:


The engine implementation shall follow generic logic which operates on resource abstractions, performing generic algorithms, as indicated below. A general rule is that every tangible resource on Golem network (Service, Network) can be manipulated by an abstraction called ResourceAdapter, which implements a set of generic operations related to provisioning and maintaining a resource for an application. An engine implements a set of generic operations involving resources, their desired state (as per the GAOM descriptor), perceived state (as per GAOM model persisted by the engine) and actual state (as per the current state of resources on Golem network).

The engine operates on following GAOM model states:

The fundamental operations of the engine are:

NOTE: the Apply operation can be executed repeatedly, and each execution should bring the Golem application to a state as indicated by the application descriptor (the desired state). Even when the descriptor remains unchanged, repeated calls of Apply operation ensure the application is stable.


A ResourceAdapter module is an abstraction over a specific type of resource, and implements low-level CRUD operations for the resources. Eg. a ServiceResourceAdapter implements logic specific to Create, Read, Update and Destroy operations on a service on Golem network. A generic implementation of each of those operations takes <operation>Request as parameter and returns <operation>Response, where both ...Request and ...Response contain the model (in GAOM sense) of the resource.


The Plan operation is expected to reconcile the differences between:

in order to derive a sequence of actions to be applied on resources, which must be performed to bring the application (resources required by the application) from its current state to desired state. Possible actions are:

A general flow of the Plan operation is as follows:


  1. Reconcile vs actual state

    In this step, the persisted state (which indicates the current expected state of the application) needs to be reconciled against the actual state of the resources. This requires iterating over all recorded resources and verifying their current actual state (by calling respective ResourceAdapter.Read() operations). The resulting actual state becomes input for the second stage.

    *NOTE that the initial (ie. before the application is provisioned for the first time) persisted state is empty.

  2. Reconcile vs desired state

    Once the actual state is up to date, it can be reconciled against the desired state (as expressed by the application GAOM descriptor).

    Pseudo-logic of the reconciliation in Plan(Apply) mode is indicated below:

    • for each resource that is in desired but not in actual - add Create to the action list
    • for each resource that is in desired and in actual and has changed - check if update can be perfomed or a rebuild is required
      • if update can be performed - add Update to the action list
      • if update cannot be performed - add Rebuild to the action list
    • for each resource that is in actual but not in desired - add Delete to the action list

    Pseudo-logic of the reconciliation in Plan(Destroy) mode is indicated below:

    • for each resource that is in actual - add Delete to the action list
  3. Determine knock-on impact

    As the previous step may have yielded updates/rebuilds to existing resources, and there may be other resources dependent on the changes - each Update/Rebuild action should also trigger follow-on Update/Rebuild actions on resources which are downstream in GAOM dependency graph.


The purpose of Apply and Destroy operations is to derive the action sequence and then to apply it via ServiceAdapters. As the actions are being applied, the resulting resource changes are recorded in the persisted state.

The high-level flow is as follows:


Multi-YAML package support

The engine (and corresponding CLI) shall support provisioning Golem application based on multi-YAML descriptors (ZIP-archived). Note: for the purposes of YAML file merging - the order of processing files within the ZIP-archive shall be undefined (ie. there is no guarantee which YAML file shall override the content of any other YAML file in the same archive).

GAOM reference syntax

The attribute values in descriptor may include references to the current state of the Object Model (to specify that service provisioning requires parameters which are dependent on another service’s state, eg. a web application service must be launched with connection details of a database service specified in the same descriptor). Note: that the reference syntax also indicates implicit resource dependency, ie. if service B launch depends on attributes of service A which are only known after service A is launched, the engine must first provision service A, obtain its updated Object Model state, populate service B references to ‘service A’ state and then provision service B.

Proposed syntax is as follows: A reference to Object Model must be enclosed in ${}, for example:

  - run:
      args: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "cd /webapp && python app.py --db-address *${services.db-service.network_node.ip}* initdb"]


File format

The file format of choice is YAML. YAML is used in both Docker Compose and Kubernetes, both of which are widely-adopted deployment solutions. As such, it’s become a de-facto standard

  1. It’s an established standard
  2. It’s more flexible compared to alternatives (e.g. TOML)
  3. Users of the solutions mentioned above should find it easy to start using Golem Deploy

A considered alternative is the HashiCorp HCL format, which is native to Terraform platform ecosystem. YAML however is deemed more widely-adopted.

Market strategy

In its current form, the deployment descriptor does not include support for specifying the market strategy which should be used by the requestor. There are two primary reasons for this:

  1. A feasible approach which would allow for specifying/defining market strategies in a language-agnostic matter could not be found in this iteration of the proposal.
  2. Including some form of support for market strategies at an early stage of development would unnecessarily increase complexity. Market strategies will be addressed in a future GAP.


Backwards Compatibility

Not applicable, the Golem Deploy concept is designed as an “upper layer” on top of HL API libraries. There are no backwards compatibility concerns.

Test Cases

The application descriptor examples which illustrate various Golem application use cases are attached below:

Reference Implementation

An early reference implementation of the “golem deploy” concept has been started in following set of projects:

Security Considerations

The “golem deploy” concept is an abstraction layer defined above the Golem’s standard Requestor/Provider model. It is assumed that a “golem deploy” engine acts as one or more Requestors, and therefore all Golem’s security/permissions models apply. No dedicated enhancements to yagna security features are required.

The “golem deploy” operation requires the engine to act as a Requestor Agent application, connecting to Golem daemons using Golem identities. Therefore an implementation of an engine must consider proper, industry-standard credentials management.

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