
Offline Requestor Model - Test Scenarios

1. Requestor partially connected

1.1. Requestor Agent outage

  1. Launch & initialize Requestor yagna daemon
  2. Launch Requestor Agent to start an interactive service payload on a VM
  3. Execute a simple ExeScript batch to ensure successful interaction with payload
  4. Shutdown the Requestor Agent
  5. Restart the Requestor Agent
  6. Execute a simple ExeScript batch to ensure the Requestor Agent application has successfully reconnected to the Daemon

1.2. Requestor Daemon outage

  1. Launch & initialize Requestor yagna daemon
  2. Launch Requestor Agent to start an interactive service payload on a VM
  3. Execute a simple ExeScript batch to ensure successful interaction with payload
  4. Shutdown the Requestor Daemon
  5. Restart the Requestor Daemon
  6. Execute a simple ExeScript batch to ensure the Daemon has successfully reconnected

1.3. Network disruption

  1. Launch & initialize Requestor yagna daemon
  2. Launch Requestor Agent to start an interactive service payload on a VM
  3. Execute a simple ExeScript batch to ensure successful interaction with payload
  4. Disconnect the Requestor machine from network
  5. Reconnect the Requestor machine to network
  6. Execute a simple ExeScript batch to ensure the Requestor Daemon has successfully reconnected

1.4. Requestor Daemon network address change

  1. Launch & initialize Requestor yagna daemon on machine with IP address A
  2. Launch Requestor Agent to start an interactive service payload on a VM
  3. Execute a simple ExeScript batch to ensure successful interaction with payload
  4. Shutdown the Requestor Daemon
  5. Start the Requestor Daemon with the same node id/identity on a different IP address
  6. Execute a simple ExeScript batch to ensure the Daemon has successfully reconnected from a different network address

2. Requestor offline (“fire&forget”)

2.1. Upfront payment

  1. Launch & initialize Requestor yagna daemon
  2. Launch Requestor Agent to start an interactive service, with upfront payment allowing for t seconds of operation
  3. Ensure the service runs successfully (eg. by observing logs on Provider)
  4. Shutdown the Requestor Agent & Daemon
  5. Ensure the service runs successfully on provider
  6. Wait t seconds
  7. Ensure the Provider has terminated the Activity after the budget runs out

2.2. Self-sustained payment

  1. Launch & initialize Requestor yagna daemon
  2. Launch Requestor Agent to start an interactive service, with self-sustained payment platform
  3. Ensure the service runs successfully (eg. by observing logs on Provider)
  4. Shutdown the Requestor Agent & Daemon
  5. Ensure the service runs successfully on Provider
  6. Restart the Requestor Agent & Daemon
  7. Terminate the Activity

3. Requestor delegates control

3.1. Full control delegation

  1. Launch & initialize Requestor yagna daemons A & B
  2. Launch Requestor Agent on Requestor A to start an interactive service, with pay-as-you-go payment scheme
  3. Execute a simple ExeScript batch from Requestor A to ensure successful interaction with payload
  4. Grant control over the Agreement to Requestor B
  5. Launch Requestor Agent on Requestor B
  6. Execute a simple ExeScript batch from Requestor B to ensure successful interaction with payload
  7. Terminate the Activity from Requestor B

3.2. Partial control delegation

…basically run scenarios as in 3.1., but granting various atomic permissions and validating that respective actions are permitted/forbidden accordingly.