
Command progress reporting

Downloading large images and files poses problem for Requestor controlling ExeUnit. Since he doesn’t have any information about Provider’s internet bandwidth, there is no way to estimate download time. Slow internet connection is indistinguishable from Provider that just doesn’t work and is unable to finish task. This results in wasted resources and non-optimal Requestor behavior.

This specification describes generic mechanisms allowing to report progress of different commands from ExeUnit to Reqeustors. Moreover, it describes current implementation of ExeUnit.



ExeUnit supporting progress reporting should put following properties in the Offer:

To support progress for any other command, specification should be extended with new properties. Current ExeUnit implementation supports only these 2 commands.

Progress parameters

To enable progress events Requestor agent has to attach progress parameters to ExeScriptCommand. Example deploy and transfer command:

    "deploy": {
      "progress" : { "updateInterval" : "300ms", "updateStep" : null }
    "transfer": {
      "from": "",
      "to": "container:/input/file_in",
      "progress" : { "updateInterval" : null, "updateStep" : 1048576 }

ProgressArgs structure is described here.

Listening to events

Events will be available on getStreamingBatchResults endpoint (with text/event-stream accept header). Event structure is defined here.


  "batch_id": "5c9a8f0e13dd49edb7fa570a10b1b14b",
  "index": 0,
  "timestamp": "2024-02-09T15:12:07.540318580",
  "kind": {
    "progress": {
      "step": [
      "message": "Transfer retried",
      "progress": [
      "unit": "Bytes"

You must check specific ExeUnit documentation to know implementation details not covered by this specification.

List of supporting ExeUnits