Type alias DriverStatusPropertyDTO

DriverStatusPropertyDTO: {
    address?: string;
    chainId?: number;
    driver: string;
    kind: "InsufficientGas" | "InsufficientToken" | "InvalidChainId" | "CantSign" | "TxStuck" | "RpcError";
    neededGasEst?: string;
    neededTokenEst?: string;
    network?: string;

Individual actionable property of the payment driver status

Type declaration

  • Optional address?: string

    Relates the status event to a specific blockchain address. Only present for CantSign, InsufficientGas and InsufficientToken.

  • Optional chainId?: number

    Chain-id that the error relates to. Only present for InvalidChainId.

  • driver: string

    Payment driver to which this status property is applicable

  • kind: "InsufficientGas" | "InsufficientToken" | "InvalidChainId" | "CantSign" | "TxStuck" | "RpcError"

    Determines what property this is. - InsufficientGas -- Driver cannot proceed due to missing gas. - InsufficientToken -- Driver cannot proceed due to missing tokens. - InvalidChainId -- A transaction can't be processed because its chain-id isn't present in the configuration. This hints at a network being removed from driver configuration after a transaction on this network has been scheduled.

    • CantSign -- Driver cannot sign transactions (locked wallet?). - RpcError -- All configured RPC endpoints are failing. - TxStuck -- Transaction was sent to blockchain successfully but cannot proceed any further. Likely indicative of too low setting of max fee per gas.
  • Optional neededGasEst?: string

    Estimate total required gas to complete all outstanding transactions. Only present for InsufficientGas

  • Optional neededTokenEst?: string

    Estimate total required token to complete all outstanding transactions. Only present for InsufficientToken

  • Optional network?: string

    Indicates which chain the problem occurs on. No statuses other than CantSign necessarily imply issues on other chains than the one the status property originates from. Present for all status properties other than InvalidChainId.